Do You Know How Easy it is to Make Duck Breast?

Magret is the juicy breast of a duck, and it cooks up much like a steak; which is why we at D’Artagnan call it the “duck steak.” It’s a perfect weeknight meal, special occasion dinner, or a center-of-the-grill choice. Duck magret is one of our favorite simple recipes, and it should be a part of every home cook’s repertoire.

The Famous Duck Magret

Ariane’s father, Chef André Daguin, was the first to treat duck breast like a steak, serving it rare in the 1950s at his restaurant in Southwest France. Like many legendary moments in culinary history, this one came about by necessity one afternoon when a salesman arrived at the hotel restaurant for a late lunch.

Ariane and Dad with Geese
Ariane and her father Chef Andre Daguin.

Chef Daguin found his kitchen bare of ingredients, but for a tray of raw magrets waiting to be made into confit. He grabbed one and seared it like a steak, then served it rare to the surprised patron, who shared the curious dish with two other customers just finishing their lunches. And thus was born a staple duck dish, found today on menus worldwide, and one of the foundational products at D’Artagnan.

Get the famous recipe for seared duck breast here. Learn how to make it perfectly by watching Ariane prepare this signature dish in this Saveur video.

Shop for duck breast, and other tasty cuts of duck.

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