6 No-Heat, No-Cook Sauces that will Change How You Eat

Whip together these zippy no-cook, cold sauce in a food processor. They take only minutes, and add bright flavors to grilled steaks, pork chops, duck breast, and any other meat you cook this summer. The simple ingredients yield complex flavors  that will give your cooking a serious upgrade. Read on to see which one you’ll make first.

12 No-Cook Ways to Dress Steaks & Chops

No pan sauce? No problem. We have recipes for 12 flavor boosters that work well with steaks, chops, duck breast, lamb, chicken, and more. Our compound butters and no-cook sauces are easy to make and especially convenient for summer meals… but they will keep your cooking game fresh all year long. Read on for the…

Secret Ingredient: Demi-Glace

Our Secret Ingredients series shines a light on products that make all the difference when cooking with D’Artagnan. Demi-glace is one of those things that professional chefs know about and home cooks need to discover. For sauces, there is nothing better. Braising liquid fortified with demi-glace is a miracle. Added to soups, bean dishes and yes,…

A Saucy Conversation with Deana

“Sauces are the splendor and the glory of French cooking” ~ Julia Child We will glory in any sauce. Sriracha. Marinara. Fra Diavolo. Bechamel. Bourbon barbecue sauce. Tartar. Chimichurri. Mole. We believe there should be sauce on everything. But when it comes to sauces, the mother lode is in French cuisine, and we are going…

A Saucy Series, Part II: Sauce Madame

Welcome to guest blogger Deana Sidney of Lost Past Remembered, a blog dedicated to discovering, replicating and adapting historic recipes. In this saucy series she demystifies one of the cornerstones of classic French cuisine: the mother sauces. Sauce Madame As part of my series on sauces, this goes to the top of the pack as…

A Saucy Series, Part I: Espagnole

Welcome to guest blogger Deana Sidney of Lost Past Remembered, a blog dedicated to discovering, replicating and adapting historic recipes. In this saucy series, she demystifies one of the cornerstones of classic French cuisine: the mother sauces. Holy Mother of Sauces Lots of people are a bit afraid of French sauces because they think they…