Are You Grilling These Top 5 Cuts this Summer?

Plan your next dinner around a juicy steak or chop. After all, what’s better on the plate? Steaks and chops are perfectly suited for easy weeknight meals or special weekend get-togethers. Easily pan-seared or charred on the grill, they are the quickest route to your dream dinner. Whether you’re looking for veal chops, Wagyu or…

People Are Talking: Berkshire Pork Chops

Heritage breeds like our Berkshire hogs are being recognized anew for their unique qualities. The pork from these old world pigs is revered by chefs for its extraordinary marbling and distinctive, rich taste. And now it can be your go-to pork, from pork loin to pork shoulder, and of course, pork chops. Here are the…

8 Ways to Mix Up Your Grilling Routine

Bored with the same old stuff on the grill? Mix up your grilling routine and try some of our protein alternatives to shake things up! Summer is the perfect time to upgrade your grill game and try new things. 1. Burgers If you normally grill burgers, try… bison burgers. An easy switch! Try our recipe…

Does Heritage Pork Make a Better Ham?

We can confidently say that heritage-breed pork tastes better. It offers a nuanced, deeper flavor and more succulent meat than commodity pork. It tends to be darker in color – not dry and pale like the “other white meat” that is widely available. Did you know that the USDA lowered the minimum cooking temperature for…

All About Heritage Breed Pork

Heritage breed hogs are the old-fashioned breeds that were the norm before the industrialization of farming. They were handy animals to have on a diverse farm because they were natural garbage disposals, eating everything from table scraps to whey, the byproduct of cheese production. Just a few pigs can clear and turn a fallow field,…