Support Lupiac, the Birthplace of D’Artagnan

Lupiac is home to a new equestrian statue of our hero D’Artagnan. Help this little town in Southwest France raise enough money to beautify their central square where the statue resides. Click through to the campaign and scroll past the French for the English language version … and then contribute to this good cause. Your…

Spicy Interview with Thora of Teeny Tiny Spice Company

Do you like it spicy? So do we! We’ve been using some very tasty spice blends from Teeny Tiny Spice Company when cooking with our favorite D’Artagnan meats. So we wanted to know more about these organic spice blends and the entrepreneurial woman behind them. These spices are tiny in name only; they pack big flavor! Thora Pomicter,…

Good News About Butter

We’ll just sit here with a slice of bread slathered in butter … truffle butter, of course … while science proves the point. Again. Butter is back, and it’s safe to enjoy. Our grandmothers and their grandmothers knew this simple fact. But it’s nice when a study can back up that old-time common sense. PLOS…